课程长度:3 terms (9 months)
入学条件:An overall average of 80% (grade B) with at least 80% (grade B) in relevant subject areas in Year 3. The same scores are also accepted from Year 2.高二,均分80%
语言要求:Design, Engineering,Science and Healthcare,Joint Honours Science:IELTS UKVI: 5.5 overall, minimum of 5.0 in each skill
Arts and Social Sciences, Business,Joint Honours Arts: IELTS UKVI:6.0 overall, minimum
of 5.0 in each skill
• Arts and Social Sciences
• Business
• Design
• Engineering
• Science and Healthcare
• Joint Honours(选择荣誉学士的学生会修读相关课程)
Liberal Arts BA
Childhood Studies BA
Education BA
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) BA
English and Philosophy BA
English Literature BA
English Literature and Theatre Studies BA
English Language and Literature BA
Environment and Business BA
Economics and Geography BA
Geography BA
Geography and Business Management BA
Geography and History BA
Geography and Sociology BA
Geography with Transport Studies BA
History BA
International History and Politics BA
Languages Cultures and Societies
Arabic and Japanese BA
Law, criminal justice and criminology
Criminal Justice and Criminology BA
Law (LLB)
Media and communication
Digital Media BA
Film, Photography and Media BA
Journalism BA
Music BA
Music (Performance) BMus
Music with Enterprise BA
Music, Multimedia and Electronics BSc
Music and Music Psychology BA
Philosophy BA
Politics and international studies
International Development BA
International Relations BA
Politics BA
Sociology and social policy
Sociology BA
Sociology and International Relations BA
Social Policy BA
Social Policy and Crime BA
Social Policy and Sociology BA
Social Policy with Enterprise BA
Accounting and Finance BSc
Banking and Finance BSc
Business Analytics BSc
Business Economics BSc
Business Management BA
Business Management and the Human Resource BA
Business Management with Marketing BA
Economics BSc
Economics and Management BSc (New course title for 2019 progression)
Economics and Finance BSc
Human Resource Management BA
International Business BSc
International Business and Finance BSc
International Business and Marketing BSc
Art and Design BA
Fashion Design BA
Fashion Marketing BA
Fashion Technology BA
Graphic and Communication Design BA
Textile Design BA
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering MEng, BEng
Architectural Engineering MEng, BEng
Architecture MEng, BEng
Automotive Engineering MEng, BEng
Aviation Technology and Management BSc
Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies BSc
Chemical and Energy Engineering MEng, BEng
Chemical and Materials Engineering MEng, BEng
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering MEng, BEng
Chemical Engineering MEng, BEng
Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng, BEng
Civil and Structural Engineering MEng, BEng
Civil Engineering MEng, BEng
Civil Engineering with Project Management MEng, BEng
Civil Engineering with Transport MEng, BEng
Electronic and Communications Engineering MEng, BEng
Electronic and Computer Engineering MEng, BEng
Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng, BEng
Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems MEng, BEng
Electronic Engineering MEng, BEng
Mechanical Engineering MEng, BEng
Medical Engineering MEng, BEng
Mechatronics and Robotics MEng, BEng
Petroleum Engineering MEng, BEng
Actuarial Mathematics BSc
Advanced Psychology BSc
Applied Computer Science BSc
Biochemistry BSc
Biological Sciences BSc
Biological Sciences (Biotechnology with Enterprise) BSc
Biology BSc
Biology with Enterprise BSc
Chemistry BSc
Computer Science BSc
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc
Computer Science with High Performance Graphics and Games Engineering BSc
Computer Science with Mathematics BSc
Environmental Science BSc
Financial Mathematics
Food Science BSc
Food Science and Nutrition BSc
Geography BSc
Geography and Geology BSc
Geography with Environmental Mathematics BSc
Genetics BSc
Geological Sciences BSc
Geophysical Sciences BSc
Human Physiology BSc
Mathematics BSc
Mathematics and Statistics BSc
Medical Biochemistry BSc
Medical Microbiology BSc
Medical Sciences BSc
Medicinal Chemistry BSc
Meteorology and Climate Science BSc
Microbiology BSc
Natural Sciences BSc
Neuroscience BSc
Nutrition BSc
Pharmacology BSc
Physics BSc
Physics with Astrophysics BSc
Psychology BSc
Psychology with Education BSc
Sport and Exercise Sciences BSc
Sports Science and Physiology BSc
Sustainability and Environmental Management BSc
Theoretical Physics BSc
Zoology BSc
Biology and Mathematics BSc
Business Management and Mathematics BSc
Chemistry and Mathematics BSc
Economics and Mathematics BSc
Economics and Philosophy BA
Economics and Politics BA
English and History BA
English and Philosophy BA
History and Philosophy BA
History and Theology and Religious Studies BA
Politics and Social Policy BA
Politics and Sociology BA
利兹大学 英国利兹大学From:https://www.021fl.net/abroad/UK/guide/10010957.asp