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  来源: 英国留学指南  更新时间:2025/2/4



Analyzing an essay question 

第一步是分析essay问题。根据essay assignment的题目,可以把问题分成五个部分。

* Topic

* Aspect

* Focus/ limiting words

* Instruction words

* Viewpoints/ assumptions

比如,针对To what extent should Western universities change their own culture in order to help international students?题目, Topic是Internationalisation in higher education;Aspect是   Internationally mobile students (IMS)  AND western universities; limiting words是academic culture shock AND Western unis own adjustment;instruction words是 What is meant by….To what extent should;. viewpoints/ assumptions是IMS do experience something called culture shock; Western unis should adjust to some extent (but how much?).

Form a skeleton essay plan

第二步,把essay问题分解之后,需要考虑一些essay的整体结构。一般情况下,essay是三段式的结构,introduction,main body和conclusion。关于introduction,需要去考虑关于研究背景,研究目标和文章结构,关于主体部分,需要考虑回答研究问题的一些可能性思考,比如关于What is meant cultural shock? To what extent western universities should adapt to international students? 考虑一下可以讨论的有趣的点。这些点需要去通过do research,找到合适的sources,并且尝试理解和归纳文献中的观点。Conclusion部分主要包括重述中心论点,并summarize the main ideas。


Begin to form a more detailed plan for the question

接下来就是尝试去填充以上框架,给出每个部分的答案。通过 do detailed research,使上面的框架添加上一些细节内容。

Begin to formulate paragraphs based on the detailed plan


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