NYU Tandon School of Engineering (Brooklyn, NY)Financial Engineering (1.5-2.5 years,STEM)
Financial Engineering项目开设在金融与风险工程系下,每年招收30人左右。NYU的金融与风险工程在世界排名TOP5。项目将金融理论转化为实践。帮助学生将基础的金融知识应用到衍生品风险融资、金融IT、大数据上的算法交易等各种领域。项目允许学生根据自己的兴趣从以下四个领域来选择课程,包括Corporate Finance and Financial Markets、Computational Finance、Technology and Algorithmic Finance、Risk Finance。
项目学制为4学期制,学生需要修满33个学分,其中有15学分的核心课程,核心课程如Introduction to Derivative Securities、Quantitative Methods in Finance、Valuation for Financial Engineering等。
在就业方面,除了由NYU Wasserman Career Center提供的资源外,MSFE学生还可以通过内部的FRE系提供的就业资源获得就业支持。如FRE校友联谊活动、简历指导和模拟面试。FRE就业指导主任给学生提供了一对一的就业指导,帮助他们找到满意的工作。另外,还有每周与业界人士一起举办的研讨会等等,所以申请到这个项目完全不用担心就业问题。
看重申请者的GRE成绩,不接受GMAT. Applicants must submit official transcripts from each institution attended as well as GRE test scores. Note that the average Quant GRE score of accepted students in Fall 2021 was 167.70/170, the Verbal GRE score was 155.20, the GPA was 3.89, and we accepted 50% women and 50% men.
Admission RequirementsOfficial TranscriptsResumeStatement of Purpose1-minute video2 Letters Of RecommendationEnglish Language Proficiency Testing, where applicableGREGRE is only required for students who have studied for fewer than 4 years as undergraduates in the US.Online application$90 application fee录取案例:案例1:211本,应用数学专业(金数与精算方向), GPA 3.7+, GRE 320+, IBT 100+,数理背景强,相关project多,4段实习包括:算法交易岗,数据分析岗和软件工程岗;案例2:海本, 金融数学 专业,GPA 3.8+, GRE320+, 精通C++, Python, R, Machine Learning,SQL, 3段券商或投行量化分析岗实习。