Ethnographic and Documentary Film (Practical) MA
A. Applicants with prior technical knowledge of film making are asked to send a video portfolio of up to 20’ duration (Vimeo link recommended).
B. Applicants without a video portfolio are asked to complete a photo essay.Please see our guidelines on how to make a visual essay. You can submit either by post - a maximum of twenty 20cm x 25cm (8"x10") stills – or by link to an external site.
a maximum of four sides of A4, typed and double-spaced - to include: an outline of what the film is about; the characters and other elements crucial to the narrative and the film structure/narrative. (You are not committed to the proposal for the final project.)
(2)雅思要求:Overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests
利兹大学Film, Photography and Media MA
(2)雅思要求:IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any component.
Evidence of filmmaking, video and/or media art production skills. Include three examples of creative work with a description and statement of your contribution to these works. Examples should be provided in a PDF document with links to your videos
爱丁堡大学Film Directing
Your portfolio should:
include a link to one finished film, which can be any form but must be subtitled in English
demonstrate technical skills in filmmaking
demonstrate experience in directing
Your portfolio should not:
include more than one film
be a showreel
If your submitted film is fiction you must include in your personal statement why you wish to make documentary films.
雅思要求:total 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each module)伯明翰大学MA Film and Television: Research and Production
网大排名前200的大学以及211 985的院校;网大排名前200以及211 985院校的附属二级学院:来自以上院校背景的申请人均分要达到80%或以上,如果均分在70到79%分之间,但具有相关学术背景并良好的专业成绩,以及(或)相关的工作经验,可以酌情考虑
(2)雅思要求:IELTS 7.0 with no less than 6.5 in any band
埃克塞特大学MA International Film Business(和伦敦电影学院合办的专业)
(2)雅思要求:Overall score 6.5. No less than 6.0 in any section.
QM伦敦玛丽女王大学Documentary Practice MA
(2)雅思要求:7.0 overall including 7.0 in Writing, and 5.5 in Reading, Listening and Speaking.
UEA东英吉利亚大学MA Film, Television and Creative Practice
(1)申请要求:卡人文社科背景,211 985 及网大TOP250院校要求75,其他所有院校要求80,申请时分差在4分以内可发con,申请也需要提供作品
(2)雅思要求:6.5 (minimum 5.5 in all components)(中美/中英合作办学,至少在英美国家待满一年并拿到英美学位可免雅思)
9. 伦敦大学金史密斯学院MA Filmmaking
MA Filmmaking (Cinematography)
MA Filmmaking (Directing Fiction)
MA Filmmaking (Editing)
MA Filmmaking (Producing)
MA Filmmaking (Sound Recording, Post-Production and Design)
MA Filmmaking (Screen Documentary)
Examples of your recent work in a related field (eg moving image samples), preferably via a web link to your online portfolio – please upload this under 'additional' in your online application (NB the maximum file size you can upload is 20MB)
(2)雅思要求:7.0 with a 7.0 in writing and no element lower than 6.5