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  来源: 美国留学指南  更新时间:2025/1/17



Dr. Mark Corkins, division chief of pediatric gastroenterology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. “There are two sources of ‘gas,’ and not all gas is gas. Part of what we pass is air. We all swallow some air, and some people swallow a lot of air. Now that seems to be odorless.”田纳西大学健康科学中心儿童胃肠科主任马克·科尔金斯称,“‘屁’有两种来源,一部分是空气。人们会‘吃下’一些空气,这些经肠道排出的空气是没有气味的。”

Real gas, on the other hand, is primarily the byproduct of the fermentation of food in the colon, said Corkins, who is also a professor of pediatrics. “Our colon has (billions of) bacteria living in it. … If we don’t digest (food), the bacteria will.”科尔金斯称,真正的“屁”主要是食物在结肠中发酵的气体。“人的结肠里有(数十亿)细菌……这些细菌会帮助消化未消化的食物。”

Some odors are more pungent than others for these reasons, experts said, but there aren’t any smells that are red flags.专家称,由于以上原因,有些“屁”闻起来更臭,但气味不是危险信号。

Gas isn’t as much of an indicator of gut health asbowel movement frequency and texture. But dietary choices can lead to more or less gas.排便频率和质地是衡量肠道健康的指标,放屁却不是。但饮食选择可能会导致放屁多或放屁少。

Factors of flatulence


Gut flora are important because they help the body make vitamins and produce some of the sh ort chain fatty acids that feed our colon lining, so a little gas (from those processes) is good, Corkins said. “Otherwise, we’re not feeding our flora, which actually is a symbiotic relationship,” he added.肠道菌群对健康很重要,有助于身体合成维生素,并产生一些短链脂肪酸,为结肠内壁提供营养,所以(在这些过程中)肠道产生适当气体有益健康。

But what can especially lead to gas, or excessive amounts of it, is eating foods that are more difficult to digest and therefore more likely to ferment, experts said.但专家表示,食用不易消化的食物容易导致排气或过量排气,因为这些食物在肠道内更易发酵。

The old classic is beans, and there’s a protein in beans that tends to be difficult to digest.最常见的易导致胀气的食物就是豆制品,豆类中含有一种不易消化的蛋白质。

Beans are one source of FODMAPs — fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These areshort-chain carbohydratesor sugars that, for some people, are poorly absorbed by the small intestine, leading to digestive issues such as gas, cramping, diarrhea, constipation or stomach bloating.Foods high in FODMAPsinclude certain vegetables, fruits, starches and dairy products such as cauliflower, garlic, apples, peaches, milk, wheat and high fructose corn syrup.豆类是可发酵低聚糖、双糖、单糖和多元醇(发酵性碳水化合物)的来源之一。对一些人来说,这些是这类短链碳水化合物不易被小肠吸收,从而导致胀气、肠痉挛、腹泻、便秘或胃胀等消化问题。发酵性碳水化合物含量高的食物包括某些蔬菜、水果、淀粉和乳制品,例如花椰菜、大蒜、苹果、桃子、牛奶、小麦和高果糖玉米糖浆。

“Many of us unknowingly do eat a lot of FODMAPs, but everyone has a little bit of a different pattern as to how well they can absorb and metabolize these,” said Dr. Rena Yadlapati, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology at the University of California, San Diego.加州大学圣地亚哥分校胃肠病学系医学教授蕾娜说:“许多人在不知不觉中确实摄入了很多发酵性碳水化合物,但每个人对它们的吸收和代谢能力都不同。”

“Some people will, alternatively, have trouble when they eat a lot of red meat,” Chey said. “In fact, (for) pretty much everybody, if you eat enough red meat, you will not be able to properly digest or absorb all of it, and it’ll get down to your colon where it’s fermented to produce gases and chemicals.”杰说:“有人摄入红肉时也会出现以上症状。事实上对几乎所有人来说,如果摄入红肉过多,都将无法完全将其消化吸收,最终在结肠发酵产生气体和化学物质。”

“The other thing is making sure that your bowel habits are regular,” Chey said. “Individuals that have constipation are much more prone to getting bloating and flatulence. The reason for that is, if things move very slowly through the GI tract, they have more time to interact with the bacteria in the GI tract, particularly the colon. And that’s going to produce more gas.”杰说:“保持规律排便也很关键。便秘的人更容易腹胀和胀气。如果食物在胃肠道中移动得很慢,就有更多的时间与胃肠道中的细菌作用,尤其是结肠。这会导致肠道产生更多气体。”



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